Sunday, October 16, 2011

38 weeks... come on Lucy!

I'm officially 38 weeks. Come on Lucy.. you can ANY time now!! Mommy & daddy are all ready for you! So now it's just a waiting game! We are really hoping for an October baby so we're ready to take her any day now. :)

Here's a belly shot from today. (Sidenote: I swear, I don't live in sweats and pj's. I just so happen to always take my weekly pics when I first wake up on the weekends!)

Overall I'm feeling ok. I wouldn't say "good" since I'm more uncomfortable than anything. I'm definitely feeling quite a bit of pelvic pressure still and I get contractions quite a bit as well. I would be quite surprised if there wasn't any progress from last week.

Mark and I had our last dinner date as a family of 2 last night. (Ok, 3.. sorry Silas!) We went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and had such a nice night. It's been quite some time since we've had a date like that. Mark's schedule has been awfully crazy lately with work, going to the library every night to study, spending the weekends getting last-minute projects tied up, etc. that it's so hard to ever spend quality time together. Our world's about to change so I thought it was important to have one last date before our baby girl arrives. :) Not to mention, I was craving some pumpkin cheesecake!

Yesterday afternoon I did a fall photo shoot for our good friend's baby, Brody. Lainie wanted to get a few good one's of him before his baby sister is due to arrive in just a couple of weeks! Here are a few of my favorite one's from the shoot. Isn't he just the handsomest?!

Doing this shoot made me realize how much I love taking pictures! I cannot wait to practice even more on Lucy. That girl is going to have a LOT of photo shoots in her near future!

So today, October 16th, is a very important date for our family as it was Mark's grandma Eunice's birthday. We miss her everyday that she isn't with us but we both know she is always looking down at us and has a lot to do with our wonderful blessings. She will always be our guardian angel and I know she will always look after Lucy for us too! We are going to dinner tonight with the family in her honor at one of her favorite restaurants, Carraba's. Mark and I were absolutely hoping Lucy would grace us with her presence on this special day but in reality I think Grandma deserves to have her own special day every year!

Us with Grandma on our wedding day

Ok so I've been on this computer for far too long this morning so I'm going to actually go and be productive for the rest of the day. I'll be back Tuesday with a doc appt. check-up status! Have a great rest of the weekend!

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