Our Boy

The story of our "first born", our English Bulldog, Silas.

Mark and I have always been big animal lovers. We knew as soon as we bought a house that our first purchase would be getting a dog! We kept going back and forth about what kind of dog we wanted. Mark had wanted an English Bulldog for as long as he could remember but I wasn't sold at first. All I had ever heard about them was how bad they drool, snort, and toot! I mean, why would I want that?!

There was a new pet store that opened in Edgewater and they have an online feature where you can see all of their dogs available. Mark had come across a picture online of an English Bulldog for sale and he wanted it right then and there. One Saturday he was on his way home from school and decided to just stop in and look. Well I was right around the corner so I met him there and we asked to play with him and we were sold from that day. We bought him and took him home that day!

Look how itty bitty he was. How could you resist that little face?!

Is first vet visit...

Only a couple months old.. SO cute!

There's that underbite..

Now he might be a big smelly, gassy, and drooly (although not as bad as I thought!), he'll always be our little baby and we just love him to death!