Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday fun!

I've been dying to take Lucy to one of the Gymboree Play & Learn classes that I've heard all about. I figured now would be a fun age to take her since she's starting to get into music and is mobile and can play around on her own. When I looked up their classes I discovered they offer free classes so you can get a "preview" and decide if you want to sign up. It was all the way in Millersville so I picked my mom up on the way and we got there just when class was starting. (Late should be my middle name.)

Lucy really enjoyed it! However, she had a hard time sitting still on the mat and listening to the instructor. She was way too focused on all the balls in the room and wanted to climb around and do her own thing. Go figure!

 There were lots of tunnels to crawl through, although she was pretty skeptical about them. The only way I could get her to go through them is if I coaxed her with a ball on the other end!

After awhile, she would crawl under anything in order to get those balls..

She climbed up the slides.. all of course for more balls at the top.

She did love the parachute time though and the bubbles! Well, she more enjoyed chasing them and eating them since the instructor said they put sugar in their bubbles. Lucy and sugar = bad mix! LOL

All in all, I think she really enjoyed it. However, I don't think enough to pay the $69 a month (!!) they charge. No way. But it did get me thinking that Southern Maryland is in desperate need of an indoor play place for kids. Hmmm... maybe a good business opportunity?!

After we left Gymboree, we headed to the mall and Nana bought Lucy a pair of walking shoes from Stride Rite and we had lunch at Sparro's.

Oh, and I'm missing telling the best part of the day! My mom lives 2 blocks from a Goodwill that she swears she is always finding these great steals. I was just telling her on my way there how I've been looking everywhere to find a book shelf for Lucy's room that will fit in one of her corners. I kid you not, we pull up to Goodwill while a nice family is unloading their stuff and right there in front of me is the PERFECT book shelf. Granted it's old but it's great quality wood. The Goodwill employee literally JUST tagged the bad boy $20.00 and we statched it up quick. I kid you not.. 3 different people in line ooh'd and ahh'd over it but I wasn't letting it go! And even better... it fits perfectly in her room and my mind has been going crazy with what I want to do with it. Now the fun project begins! I'll be sure to post before and after pictures.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday! :)

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