Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Awaiting baby Bryce

One of my very good friends since the start of high school is expecting her 2nd baby, a little boy, who she is naming Bryce. Side note: I don't know what it is in the water but I know so many pregnant people right now due in September, all having boys! I guess it's the year for the boys as last year seemed to be the year for the girls!

 Anyway, Sunday was her baby shower and it all turned out so nice. She really wanted a rubber ducky themed shower b/c we all know all good parties have to have a theme. :) I decided I was going to be extra crafty and not only make her my very first diaper cake but I was going to paint her a box to match Bryce's nursery so she can use to store things. So here's the finish product of the diaper cake I made. I'm overall very happy with how it turned out and was quite surprised how easy they are to make! I really can't wait to make another one. (Come on my kid-free friends, let's pop out some babies so I can make a diaper cake and help plan a baby shower :) LOL)

All I had to do was roll the diapers and I used 2 bottles to stack them. I used poster board to cut out the circle for the bottom and glued polka dot scrapbook paper that I had leftover in my crafting closet. I then bought the yellow and polka dot ribbon and overlapped them. I also bought the wooden letters and painted them to match. The rubber ducks were from the dollar store as well as the mini soaps, lotion, and powder. All I needed was my hefty glue gun and I got to work!

Now for the wooden box. That was way more time-consuming and not nearly as cute as the diaper cake but hey, I gave it a good try. I bought the big wooden box from Michaels and had the handy-dandy hubby cut, nail, and sand a piece of plywood to the front so I could paint. Painting was much, much harder than I thought and I totally smeared black on it when I was trying to outline the letters (that were originally blue by the way) so I ended up having to redeem myself by being forced to make a black road. It all turned out very dark but that darn black paint messed me up! Regardless, it's a truck box to match his firetruck nursery and it's big enough to store toys and diapers or what not. I also filled it with lots of goodies - diapers, wipes, teethers, bibs, blankets, binkies, etc. 

Now for the party pics...

Party banner to match the theme.


Lucy sitting with Hannah.. eyeing what she can get into.

Rubber ducky punch.


Playing games (Heather's mom, Grandma, & Aunt)

Sniffing dirty diapers..

Guessing how big mommy's tummy is.

Vicky during one of the games.

Mama opening presents.

Hannah admiring her baby brothers clothes. Can't you tell how excited she is?

Cute doctors bib! (Mom is a nurse so it fits perfect!)

The parents-to-be

I'd say the party was a success and baby Bryce is all set. Now we're just counting down the weeks until he makes his arrival. I know there are LOTS of excited people. :)

After the shower, Lucy and I met Mark at his parents house. Ashlyn came outside with me to take some pictures so I also wanted to share my adorable niece, Ashlyn. I just love this girl!

As everyone knows, it's hard to get kids to sit still for pictures at this age. So a little side note.. get them to sing you a song. Totally worked for me here. :) Ok, back to work for me...


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