Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pony rides & baby Bryce

What a title huh?

 First off, on Friday, August 24th at 4:30pm Heather & Joey gave birth to their beautiul baby boy, Bryce Anthony, weighing 6lbs 12oz. and 18 3/4" long. He came 2 weeks early and he's just the cutest little guy! Funny fact, Heather's daughter Hannah weighed the exact amount and was the exact length as well. How cool/strange that that happened?!

 I went on Saturday night to the hospital and spent a good 2 hours visiting mom and dad.. and of course baby! I didn't want to give him back he was just so adorable! Here's me, Heather, & Bryce. I can't wait to see him again this week to take some newborn pictures of him!

(Sorry for bad picture quality.. had to take on my cell phone since I didn't take my camera!)

Today Mark, Lucy, and I made the drive to good ole' Finksburg, MD to see my good friend, Heather (another Heather, I know!), for her twin daughters' 3rd birthday party. 

She had it a really cool horse/pony farm but unfortunately the weather couldn't have been any worse! At one point it was down-pouring as you can see in these pics..

But the kids wasn't letting a little storm rain on their parade because once it got to a steady drizzle, we made our way to the horse stalls where the kids got to pet the horses and ponies. Some of the bigger kids even got to brush them.

Then the bigger kids even got to ride the ponies. Here's one of the twins (Maddie) being the brave one and being the first to ride.

It's always good to be able to see my favoritest twins (Heather & Stephanie) and of course their adorable kids. Even though it poured down rain and we were all drenched by the time we left, it still turned out to be a good day and a good party!

Happy 3rd birthday Emma & Maddie!

After the party we went to my dad & Kim's for dinner and so they could spend time with Lucy. She played for a couple of hours and had such a fun time! She's always getting spoiled by all her grandparents. She sure is one loved little girl!

So all in all, we had a wonderful, BUSY weekend and I'm beat. Off to bed so I can do it all over again... :)

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