Friday, September 30, 2011

What I'm going to miss & not miss about pregnancy!

On my way to work today I started thinking as anxious as I am about having my baby here, there are some things I'm going to miss about pregnancy - believe it or not. So I decided it would be fun to come up with the top 10 things I'm going to miss. So here it goes...

Top 10 things I'm going to miss about pregnancy:
  • Sleep - I'm most definitely a sleeper and have been sleeping more than ever during this pregnancy. I always tell myself to not feel bad if I fall asleep at 8pm on the couch since I better enjoy it now! Ahh, I hope I adjust well because I have never been the type of person that can fully function without a good 8-hour night of sleep. :/
  • Not having to suck it in - This is the only time in my life where I found it pretty easy to dress. I can wear the tightest shirts possible and not have to worry about sucking it in! Definitely something I'll be missing a lot when that baby fat is lingering...
  • Having Lucy all to myself - I love that I am the only one that feels I really "know" her at this point. I know when she's most awake, her little habits, and I love how she never fails to move if I just simply put my hands on my belly. She only ever does that for me as if she knows my touch? We definitely have our own little bond now and soon enough I'll have to share her with the world!
  • Eating whatever I want - I've always been fortunate that I don't really have to watch what I eat but I always do. I count calories and will only eat sweets on occasion (and when I can afford to), work out at least 3 x a week, etc. However, that all went out the door the minute I peed on that stick. When else in your life will you have an excuse to be fat? Better take advantage of it while you can!
  • The anticipation - I am not one that likes surprises of any kind but I have found the last several months to be one of the best times of our lives. I've loved every minute of preparing for our baby and Mark and I constantly asking eachother what we think she's going to look like, who she's going to take after, what her personality will be life, etc. Soon enough we'll know but I'll miss the excitement that comes before opening that present.
  • No periods - What girl wouldn't love not having to worry about this for 9 months?
  • Using my pregnancy as an excuse - Ok, so I may occasionally try to use my pregnancy to its advantage if I want to get out of doing something - say, taking the dog for a walk? Hehe. Sorry honey, my feet usually do hurt though!
  • Bigger ta-ta's - Another perk of pregnancy I thankfully gained, although I know I better enjoy it now since they won't be staying long.
  • Foot rubs & massages - Mark has been amazing about giving foot rubs and massages pretty much whenever I ask. I know it won't last long so I'm definitely enjoying these too while I can!
  • Feeling her move - There's nothing better than feeling those kicks and hiccups on a daily basis. I can't wait to see those monkey feet of hers in person that I've seen sticking out of my right side for the past few months!
And while I'm on that note. Here is what I won't be missing about being pregnant...

Top 10 things I'm NOT going to miss about pregnancy:
  • The aches and pains - I don't know why but as soon as I started getting a good size belly on me, I started feeling more and more like an old lady. My joints, my lower back, my feet, my heartburn.. the list goes on. Can't say I'll miss this part in the least bit.
  • All the attention - I've never been one to enjoy extra attention. I'm a pretty shy person and don't like getting the stares in public. Although, I can say strangers seem to be a lot nicer to you when you're pregnant!
  • The fear of the unknown - I won't miss the anxiety that goes along with the following - what will my labor and delivery be like? What if I need a c-section? What if my baby is colicky? What if she won't latch on to breastfeed? What if breastfeeding hurts? Will we be good parents?... You get the point. :)
  • Not being able to sleep on my belly - Ahh, I cannot wait that I only have approximately 4 weeks until I am able to sleep on my belly again! I literally think of this every day when I wake up in the morning.
  • Food & drink restrictions - I know on Mark and I's first date out post baby, we will be going to our favorite sushi restaurant and I will order all of my favorite raw sushi! Oh, and with a big glass of Pinot Grigio too!
  • Being fat - Although gaining weight and eating whatever I want can have it's pro's, it definitely can get old after awhile. Trying things to fit can get hard after awhile! I really do look forward to being able to fit into my old clothes and shop for new fall/winter clothes!
  • The crazy hormones - I'd definitely prefer not being able to cry at anything at the drop of a hat.
  • Having to pee in a cup so much - It used to be once, maybe twice, a year that I had to pee in a cup. Now it went from once a month, to every two weeks, to every week. Trying to aim with a big ole' belly in the way sure gets tough!
  • My linea nigra - My stomach would look a whole lot cuter if I didn't have this ugly, dark line going done it. It's not very pretty! (Not to mention the ugly scar tissue on my belly button from where I had it pierced years ago)
  • Having to pee so much! - I swear, I never not feel like I have to pee. There are even times where it'll hit me like a ton of bricks out of nowhere and I feel like if I don't go right then I will end up peeing myself. Definitely not fun. :/
I'll be back to do a 36-week update this weekend! P.S. - Hope you like the new background! I felt it was time for a change and since the weather is finally starting to break and it's starting to feel more like fall, why not an autumn theme? P.S.S. - Tomorrow is my birthday!!! :)

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