Sunday, September 25, 2011

35 week update!

Holy cow.. in 1 more week I'll be 9 months pregnant. 9 months! Ugh, I am certainly feeling it lately. Everyone has always told me the last couple of weeks are the hardest and now I'm starting to understand why. I've been feeling soo uncomfortable lately! Not only does it take me awhile to get around these days but, boy, am I tired too! I'm still getting around pretty good though. I cleaned the whole house yesterday and only had to take a few breaks. Today Mark and I ran some errands in Annapolis (and not to mention he spoiled me for my birthday) and it was definitely a lot harder for me than in the past. Not only does everyone stare at me (like they've never seen a huge pregnant person before!) but I was just soooo hot (why doesn't it seem as if stores don't run their AC anymore?) and my feet were just killing me! I had to sit to go sit in the car and wait for Mark at times b/c I just couldn't stand being on my feet any longer. Ok, this has turned into quite the whiney post. I really am thankful for such an easy breezy pregnancy thus far and I really don't ever complain in person. Well, unless to my husband and here on the blog of course. :) If I don't complain here and there then I'm scared Mark won't think I deserve my nightly foot rubs anymore, hehe.

I had to do a bathroom shot this week since my neighbor was over and I don't think he'd really enjoy my big ole' bare belly in his face while visiting, haha.

So as I mentioned below about my to-do list, I think Mark and I did quite a good job getting almost everything checked off of it this weekend! It's been quite the productive weekend to say the least. Other than having to find white shelves to hang in the nursery and ordering the car seat head rest, we are ready, ready, ready! Her changing station is all ready, her crib is ready, her clothes are organized and hung/put away neatly, all of her bath stuff is organized and put away in the linen closet, her swing, car seat, stroller, pack 'n play, tummy mat, and bouncer seat are all set up and just waiting for a cute baby, her car mirror is installed in my truck, her coming home outfit is ordered and should be here next week, and even her diaper bag is stuffed and ready to go! I'm starting to feel so much better now that we have everything. I probably should have saved some stuff to do for the next couple of weeks b/c it will only make the next 5ish weeks even longer. :/

Here is a picture of her nursery looking in from the hallway. We hang two white shelves to the right of the window so we can put the camera to her video monitor on it as well as her Precious Moments figurines. We're also in the search for the perfect book shelf to go in that corner since she has quite the book collection now!

Here are two shots to the left of her room..

And one more of her crib where you can see we finally hung the Lucy letters.

We're so happy with how everything turned out! Now we can just sit and enjoy it and wait for our spoiled baby girl to arrive. :) Well I'm going to shut down and enjoy the last couple hours of my weekend doing absolutely nothing but sitting my big booty on the couch with my hubby and dog, painting my nails, and watching t.v. See ya next week!

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