Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Houston.. we have a kicker!! (22 weeks)

Yup, my baby girl has finally made her presence known! She started really kicking a few days ago and hasn't stopped since. Mark has even gotten to feel her kick a few times now. It's always so nice to share those moments with him. Now I can't keep his hands off my belly! Last night he put his phone on my belly with his iPod playing and she kicked so hard it nearly knocked it right off. It hurt but it was really funny! She always seems to kick the most whenever there is music playing. Maybe she'll be my little dancer?!

So the belly is still growing.. and growing..

I'm still feeling pretty good besides the heartburn. And let me tell you.. holy heartburn! There seriously isn't one day that goes by that I don't get it. I sometimes feel like she's in my throat. Even Tums doesn't seem to relieve it. I've come to the conclusion that I just have to suck it up because I can guarantee that I'll continue to get it daily until she's here. Boy is it uncomfortable though! Maybe the old wives tale will be true in my case and she'll come out with a head of hair. :)

We've been busy buying things for her nursery. We have a good start but now we just need to start doing the hard part - getting the room cleared out so Mark can paint! Hopefully we'll have time to get started soon. Well, that's pretty much the only update I have. I'll be back next week and hopefully I'll have something new to report then!

Have a good 4th of July weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute! Hoping that the heartburn subsides a little...that is the WORST!!! Love to you, Mark and Lucy :-)
