Wednesday, June 8, 2011

19 weeks!

Can you believe I'm almost half-way through my pregnancy? I really have a feeling this second trimester is just going to fly by! I sure hope it does. I am getting less and less impatient! So we had a sonogram yesterday and our little princess is definitely all girl! We wanted the confirmation from this sonogram to make sure before we started decorating the nursery. So without further ado, here's a picture of our beautiful baby girl Lucy Brielle.

Isn't she just the cutest? It doesn't appear that she has any of my features but has quite a bit of Mark's! Now I have a feeling she's going to come out as his clone. In regards to her name.. I'm so glad we've finally decided and can now start calling her by her name. Well we actually picked it out a couple of weeks ago but wanted to try it out before announcing it and we just love it! Lucy has always been one of Mark's favorites and I really love it too. We're already started calling her our little "Lu-Lu Bug". Brielle means "God is my strength". How could you not like that meaning? I wanted a modern, spunky name to go with Lucy so it didn't sound so old-fashioned and thought it worked perfect!

Other than that.. so far everything is going great with Lucy! She appears to be a healthy girl and measuring exactly where she should be. During the sonogram she had her hands in her face (again!) and her legs crossed at the ankles (again!). It's so funny that the past 3 sonograms we've had she has done the same thing. I can't wait to see if she continues those habits when she's outside the womb.

I'm still not feeling her kick yet and getting impatient for that too. I am constantly feeling the flutters more and more lately but they're still so faint. Come on Lucy.. give me a good kick! I can take it. :) Btw, here's a new 19 week belly shot. Am I getting bigger?

Mark and I ordered her crib and dresser last week and we're going to pick it up tomorrow night. We also picked out and purchased her bedding that we're so excited about picking up tomorrow as well. We can't wait to start painting her room and getting it all ready. Now I know it sounds like we're ahead of the game but we're not always the fastest at getting house projects done (due to our work & school schedules these days) so we figured we'd better start now in order to have it done before she's here!

So that's all for this week. I'll be back next week with a new baby update when I'll officially be at the half-way mark! YAY!

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