Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My little wiggle worm! 23 weeks.

Ever since Lucy started kicking a couple of weeks ago, she hasn't stopped! She's constantly moving in there which feels more like wiggling than kicking (hence the new nickname 'wiggle worm'). Mark and I went to Ocean City this past weekend with a bunch of friends and while on the beach, she definitely made it known that she did NOT like it! You could literally watch my stomach and see her kick. I'm hoping it was just too bright for her because I'm hoping she'll love the beach as much as I do!

Here is a new belly pic from today at 23 weeks & 2 days.

While on the topic of the beach, I wanted to share a picture of our good friend's 1-year old son, Brody. Is he seriously not the cutest? I could just eat him up. He is just too much fun too!

I can't wait to take pictures of Lucy next year on the beach! Our same friends (Brody's parents) are expecting another baby, a little girl, 2 weeks after Lucy is due. How cool is that? It's going to be so much fun to see them grow up together!

So back to the pregnancy - everything is still going good. I'm starting to get more and more uncomfortable. The heartburn has thankfully started to subside but now it's constant rib pain! I can't tell if it's her head under my ribs all the time or what but it's making my nights awfully miserable. I know my poor husband is already tired of the whining! Everytime I complain I always try to remind myself that it could be worse and so far she's a healthy girl - that's all that matters!

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