Thursday, November 10, 2011

She's here!!!!

So sorry it's taken me a week to get this posted! They aren't lying when they say how much busier your life will become with a little one! I barely have time to even brush my teeth these days, let alone update a blog! But better late than never, huh?

So before I introduce you to my baby girl.. here is her birth story!

On Thursday morning, November 3, 2011, (40 weeks, 4 days pregnant) we were scheduled to be at the hospital at 7am to start the induction. We literally were walking out of the door at 6:40am when I noticed a voicemail message on our house phone so I checked it real quick only to find that the hospital called and said they had to put us on hold due to the L&D floor being so busy. They said to call us back at 9am and they'll let us know what to do from there. Talk about BUMMED! I wanted to cry because I thought my baby girl was never going to come! Thankfully we took advantage of those 2 hours and went right back to sleep (I definitely needed that) and when we called back at 9am they said for us to come at 10. Whoo-hoo!! We were going to have a baby that day afterall!

So we arrive to the hospital at 10 and after getting checked in, hooked up, etc. etc. we finally were able to start the Pitocin around 11. I definitely started feeling the contractions pretty much right away but they weren't unbearable by then at all. Here's me patiently waiting to get that baby out!

At around 1pm, my doctor came in to check on me and I was about 4cm dilated. Yay for progression! She then broke my water and for the next hour & and a half, Mark and I just sat in silence as the contractions REALLY started to hit me. I went back and forth about when to get the epidural. My nurse came in at 2:15pm to check on me and asked if I was ready for one yet. I told her they were really coming on hard but still manageable but I would make a decision at 2:30pm on what to do. That only lasted 5 minutes because at 2:20pm I sent Mark out to let her know that I was ready for one! Haha.. they were definitely getting VERY uncomfortable so I took my doc's advice on getting one before the contractions got too bad because the more relaxed I was, the quicker she would come.

So at 2:45pm I got the epidural. Now let me start off by saying I was absolutely terrified to get it. I read way too many horror stories online and I have seen that needle on t.v. before so it scared the bageezie's out of me. My nurse told me it would feel like a bee sting - "A BIG hornet big sting". Um, ouch!! But guess what? It was by far the easiest/best part of labor! It didn't hurt a bit. I think it felt like a tiny little pinch in my back for a second.. hurt less than a bee sting! Thank God that was out of the way..

So from 2:45pm until about 5pm I was sooo relaxed and just felt so good. I saw the contractions coming and going on the screen and in the beginning I didn't feel a thing. However, around 5pm I don't know if it wore off by then or not but I was in so.much.pain. The contractions hit me HARD. I could barely speak. Around 5:30pm I was in tears and started feeling sooo much pressure down there. My nurse came in and checked me and I was 9cm and the baby's head was starting to crown! So at 5:30pm I started to push. I pushed with all my might for about 45 minutes and at 6:17pm my baby girl was born!!!

Introducing Lucy Brielle Lagana, born 11/3/11 at 6:17pm weighing 8lbs 1oz and 19 1/4 inches long...

I was so overwhelmed with emotion. How can you all of a sudden love something this much instantly? She was perfect in every way possible. I just couldn't get over her! After she was born Mark and I were given a little time to bond with her as a new family of 3. Then all of our immediate family was able to come back and at one point I believe we had at least 12 people in the delivery room! She's one lucky little girl to have so many people love her so much!

We were able to go home Saturday afternoon. Look how itty bitty she was in her carseat..

So far she's been the absolute best baby. She's a great sleeper and although we got off to a really bad start breastfeeding, I stuck it out and so glad I did because I love nursing her! There's no better bond between mommy and baby.

Here is a picture of her I took when she was 4 days old.. (one of many photo shoots to come!)

And here are a few pictures of her from her very first real photo shoot with my cousin. (Thanks Melissa for these AWESOME pics!!)

Thank you all so very much for keeping up with my blog and following my pregnancy journey. I will continue to update often so please follow me into the next chapter of motherhood! I will continue to post pics of Lucy and the Lagana family. Before I go I have to say that I can't even begin to explain how blessed I feel with everything given to me in life. I have the most wonderful life - an amazing husband, our little home, a wonderful dog, a supporting and loving family, and now the most precious daughter anyone could ask for. God is good. :)

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