Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My first 2 (1/2) weeks as being a mom!

So it's been 19 days since I've become a mom! It's so crazy how all I wanted was time to just fly by when I was pregnant and now that she's here, I just want it slow down a bit. Funny how that happens! As I was rushing around the house this morning trying to get as much things done possible as I can in the hour or so Lucy will nap, I was thinking how much my life has changed being a mom. I'm sure all other mommy's out there can relate to these:
  • I've always been one to be on time for everything. Now, I've turned into the girl that's always late. How the heck do you judge enough time to get yourself and a newborn out the door?!
  • There are days that I don't even get a chance to take a shower, let alone brush my teeth. Gross, I know. And when I do get a chance, it's the quickest shower known to man because it never fails Lucy wakes up as soon as I step foot in the shower.
  • My clothes, and even my hair, consist of baby spit-up at all times.
  • I spend at least 75% of my day with a baby attached to my boob!
  • The highlight of my week was renting a movie with my hubby (while Lucy sleeping on my chest the entire time).
  • Suddenly taking time out for a meal is a huge task. Who has time to eat anymore?!
  • I haven't slept longer than a 2.5 hour stretch since she's been born.
  • I'm in bed by 8pm every night.
  • I've become a professional one-hand-typer these days (even doing it now while I'm holding Lucy in my other arm!).
But you know what? It's all worth it! There's nothing I love more than being a mommy. Especially Lucy's mommy. It can be trying at times but the minute I look at her, I think to myself this is exactly what I'm meant to do. I just love her to pieces!

Here are some pics from the last 2 weeks. (I've been slacking with pics.. who has time to take pictures?! lol)

Lucy's first outing. We went to Maw-Mee's house to visit her, Great Gram, and Aunt Fallon. She also went out to her first stores - Michael's and JoAnn Fabrics.

This is when we went to dinner at my aunt Pam's.

At Maw-Mee's

Just loungin' in her bouncy seat..

Here she was watching daddy iron his work clothes.

I love watching her sleep! This was the first time she slept in her crib. (For a very short nap!)

Cute pic I shot from my cell phone (in the dark) of Lucy sleeping with Daddy..

This was at her first doctor's appointment at only 5 days old! As you can tell, she wasn't a fan..

Overall, my baby girl is doing really well and is very healthy! At her 2-week doctors appt. this past Tuesday she had gained 9 oz. in one week and grew 1/2 an inch so she's doing very well! I think she's been going through a growth spurt as all she wants to do these days is eat, eat, eat. Talk about tiring!!

I promise I'll try to post more updates more often. I'm starting to get more adjusted so hopefully I'll start finding more time! Until then.. I'll be back soon. :) Gotta run!

P.S. another you-know-your-a-mommy-when moment is that it takes you literally 8 hours to get this post finished! I started this around noon and now it's 8:15pm and I am just now able to sit down and finish!! Phew.. busy day in the Lagana household. :)

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