Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Update!

We had a sonogram today to see our little peanut and everything looked great! It was amazing to see how much he/she has changed in 4 weeks. It was one active baby! I loved seeing it move all around and touch it's mouth and eyes and at one point it even had its legs crossed. I can't wait to start feeling the movement. Here's some good shots we got...

Isn't it just the cutest?! This mama thinks so. :) Oh, and you know how I've totally said this was a boy the entire time? I now have two more reasons to add why. One is because I had my very first gender dream where I gave birth to a little boy and two - I caved and bought an Intelligender because I was just dying to see what it would say! I took it this morning and here were the results...

I guess we'll find out soon enough! And lastly, one more baby update. He/she has received it's very first Easter basket thanks to Grandma Thomas (or whatever she is decides to be called!)

This is going to be one spoiled baby!!


  1. Hmmm..still not convinced about the sex. Holding out hope for a little girl. I thought I was having a boy too :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm with you Staci...its a girl (maybe LOL). Anyway Mallory, I want to be called MawMee or MeMe. Ok?
