Sunday, April 10, 2011

11 weeks today!

When I first found out I was pregnant, the weeks seemed to just draaaag on by. But for some reason the past couple of weeks have just flown by so quickly. I can't believe I am getting so close to my second trimester! I am really looking forward to so much - getting a belly, feeling the baby move, finding out the sex, decorating the nursery... ah, the list goes on. I've been trying to remember to take a picture of my belly every Sunday (the start of my new weeks) so I can look back and see how much my belly has changed. I don't have too much there yet but you can see where I'm starting to!

Grow baby grow! I was driving myself crazy wondering if everything was ok with the baby until I finally caved and ordered a home doppler so I can listen to the heartbeat. I didn't know if it would actually drive me even more crazy (since I've heard they don't always work) or I would gain my sanity back. Well I'm glad to announce it was the latter because as soon as I received it in the mail, I was able to find the heartbeat pretty much right away. There it was.. just beating away at 165-170bpm. Nice, fast heartbeat! What does the old wivestales say about fast heartbeats? Means it's a girl! I'm not buying it though.. we are still so convinced this baby is a boy!

Anyway, we have our next appointment this Tuesday (the 12th) and hopefully we'll get to schedule the 12 week sonogram. I can't wait to see our little mini M&M again!

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