Saturday, July 14, 2012


After 2 months, I'm FINALLY back! Things got super busy for me there for awhile so I needed a little break to just get caught up. But I'm finally back.. with a new template and all. :) Let me just give a quick recap of my past 2 months. In my last post Lucy had just turned 6 months. She is now 8 months and has a lot of new little tricks up her sleeve! She started crawling around 6 1/2 months and within a day or two was pulling herself up. She's been "couch surfing" for a few weeks now so I think within the next several weeks we will definitely have a walker on our hands. Can you believe it? It's still hard to believe how fast these past 8 months have flown by. She is going to be 1 before I know it! Now I know you all want some recent pictures and of course I got 'em so here they are...

Isn't she SO big?! She really is the sweetest, funniest, happiest, most loving baby. She is starting to say words now (da-da being her favorite) and always learning new things. Right now she picks up anything and everything and puts it to her ear like a telephone. It's really fun to play with her now! She is now eating a lot of table foods and less baby food. Her favorite foods are green beans, watermelon, cantaloupe, cheese, puffs, graham crackers and chicken noodle baby food. She also got her ears pierced by her pediatrician at her 6-month appointment. Thankfully they healed wonderfully and I have never had a single issue with them. Besides Lucy, there were lot of other things that happened in the last 2 months. Like...

 - I graduated from UMUC with my bachelors degree in Business Administration!! Finally. All of that hard work finally paid off. I can't tell you how nice it feels to have finally finished and accomplished that goal I set out for myself so many years ago.

- Mark turned the big 2-9 on June 22nd. It's his last year of his twenties! He also celebrated his first Father's Day just a few days before.

 - Lucy got to celebrate her first 4th of July and even stayed up late enough to watch the fireworks for the first time. She surprisingly hung out like a trooper and watched the entire show!

 - One of my very best friends, Lisa, got engaged and asked me to be her maid of honor and I couldn't be any more thrilled for her and excited to play such an important part of her big day!

Well I think I covered all the important things the best I could. Continue to check back because now that I have more time on my hands, thanks to not having to worry about school work anymore, I plan to update as frequently as possible! Tomorrow I'm going wine tasting at a local vineyard with some girlfriends so I'm off to get a good nights sleep... :)

1 comment:

  1. Mallory,

    Was searching for my GF's blog and came across yours. Loved your thoughtful reasoning and description and pictures of having your YDD's ears pierced as an infant. She is totally adorable with those little gold stud in her ears.

    I think you were a super smart mommy like your mother for doing it now when mommy can care for them. They'll thank you later for the "gift of pierced ears" as an infant!

    Our ped also encouraged to do it when mommy could care for them. I think babies and little girls with pierced ears are adorable. It celebrates their femininity and femaleness. Like you, I kept seeing babies and little girls with earrings and how cute they were with little gold studs in their ears poking through their hair.

    Our ped gave me some suggestions for moms having their infant dd's ears pierced as well as for "Tips for moms having their dd's ears pierced/Care of Newly Pierced Ears."

    If any other moms thinking about it and want to do it now or would like them, write me an e-mail.

