Saturday, May 5, 2012

6 months!

Lucy's 6 months old!!! We did it.. we survived the first half year. :) She is really getting a personality now and I have to admit, she is just so darn fun now! She loves to laugh and make other people laugh. She is the silliest, goofiest girl and just loves everyone. Here's her 6 month update...

Age: 6 months!
Weight/height: I'm not exactly sure since her 6 month appt is on Tuesday but I did put her on the scale last night and she was 16 lbs so it'll be interesting to see how accurate that was!
New milestones: She sits up very well on her own now and is still rolling all over the place. She's in the beginning stages of trying to crawl but it's mainly just in circles. She can't quite understand how to get her legs under her! But it will be very soon I'm sure.
Sleeping habits: Unfortunately not through the night yet but she sleeps soundly from 7:45pm-12am and wakes up for a bottle and goes right back to sleep. Then she'll usually wake up for another one at 4am and go right back to sleep but on a good night, she'll sleep all the way until 6 without waking up again.
Physical changes: Not anything too different from last month. Her hair is continuing to grow and of course is getting more beautiful by the minute, if I can say so myself. ;)
New favorite toy(s): She loves her walker! Except she prefers to walk backwards in it. She also still loves her jump-up and exersaucer. She actually prefers to play with anything that is NOT a toy like paper, tupperware, spoons, etc. (Go figure!)
Likes: Peas, green beans, apples, bananas, and she loves to suck on any types of fruit. Oh, and she's discovered french fries.. she LOVES those! And of course she still loves Silas and Sophie. (They are the coolest, by far.) Oh, and she loves shopping lately. She loves sitting up in the shopping cart.. there's so many cool things to look at!
Dislikes: Long car rides (especially if she isn't tired),
Any other new updates: As I mentioned above, she is just so full of personality these days. She tries to get into everything and anything she can get her hands on. She's also starting to get very clingy to her mommy. (I'm not complaining!)

This morning we went to the beach since it was SO beautiful out and of course I figured it would be a perfect "photo shoot" opportunity.

6 months down, 6 more months until she's a full year old. Ahh! I seriously love her more and more everyday.

Have a great rest of the weekend! xoxo

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