Thursday, April 5, 2012

5 months.... & Easter is on it's way!

Isn't this the cutest little 5-month-old bunny you've ever seen?

I know she sure is excited about her first Easter coming up in a few days! It feels like just yesterday I was newly pregnant on Easter and thinking to myself, "Next Easter we'll have a 5 month old baby!". It felt like it would take forever to get here.. but that it certaintly didn't. It's hard to believe Lucy is already 5 MONTHS! Crazy! As promised, here is her update:

Age: 5 months!
Weight/height: Not sure but if I had to give my best guess, I would say she's 14lbs and 25in long.
New milestones: She can now roll both directions, tummy to back and back to tummy. She is so obsessed with her feet these days too. I even caught her holding her feet in her sleep the other night. She can pull herself up to sitting position and can sit for a few seconds but still isn't very balanced. She's almost got it though!
Sleeping habits: Well, I don't want to jinx myself but the past week she's been much, MUCH better and only waking up one time for a quick little snack and she's sound asleep for another 5-6 hour stretch. This we can deal with. :)
Physical changes: Her hair is continuing to grow and it's starting to get longer. Her eyes also seem to be a blueish/green lately.
New favorite toy(s): She's still loving her excersaucer, swing, and jumper.
Likes: Cracker puffs! She could eat if I let her!
Dislikes: Getting out of the bath and anyone taking anything away from her that she wants!
Any other new updates: She is starting to eat baby food every night for dinner but she doesn't seem to love eating from a spoon that much. She much prefers to use her hands and feed herself (go figure!). She seems to like bananas and sweet potatos but not a big fan of apples (they seem too tart) and green beans (they give her lots of gas!). We'll slowly introduce more and more so I'll keep you updated!

This past Sunday we got the family together to celebrate Mark's dad & Staci's birthday's as well as an early Easter dinner. It's always a good time getting together with the family and most importantly, the food is always sooo yummy. :) Here's some pics:

Uncle Mark & Ashlyn

Ashlyn & Lucy

Allan opening his birthday presents.

Staci opening her presents.

Ashlyn opening her Easter basket I made her.

Lucy showing Pop-Pop her cool shades.

Allan's cousin, Gina, had dinner with us! It was so nice meeting her.
Mark, Allan, Gina, Yvonne, & Jeff

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!!

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