Sunday, March 11, 2012

4 months!

I'm a huge slacker with the blog lately, I know. I've just been so incredibly busy these days that it's so hard to find the time to sit and blog. The only time I ever get the chance is once Lucy is in bed. But by then, it's my time to straighten up, get things together for the next day, shower, and most importantly, SLEEP! Thanks to the dreaded time change (spring ahead.. don't you hate this one?!) and the nap I was able to squeeze in today, I am wide eyed at 9pm which is extremely rare for me these days!

So Lucy turned 4 months last weekend. Since I went out of town for the weekend for a bachelorette party (and survived, surprisingly!) and myself and Lucy were sick, we weren't able to take any new pictures and put up a post! So, here it is.. better late than never, right? :)

So I've decided that every "birthday" each month, I will use a questionairre since I don't want to miss anything. Plus, it will be fun to see how different my answers will be each month since my girl is growing like a weed and doing new things everyday! So here it goes...

Age: 4 months!
Weight/height: 13 lbs, 6 oz and 24 1/2 inches long
New milestones: She started rolling from tummy to back at about 3.5 months. She still hasn't rolled from back to tummy yet but she's getting there. She's constantly trying to sit up on her own and can actually pull herself up but can't balance too well just yet. She's also starting to teethe and drools like a man woman! If you feel her gums, you can feel a top tooth which is surprising to me since I've always heard the bottom teeth come in first so that will be interesting to see which one it will be!
Sleeping habits: Gone are the days where she would do 6 hour stretches, wake up at 2am for a bottle, and sleep until morning. Boy how I wish that would have lasted. She is still up 2, 3 times a night wanting a bottle. She's also started a new thing where she will wake up in the middle of the night smiling and ready to play. Although I love nothing more than waking up to her pretty smile, I have to say at 3/4am it's not so fun! ;)
Physical changes: She's starting to get more and more (dark) hair. So far it looks like it's going to be straight. Her eyelashes have gotten sooo long too, thanks to daddy and those long eyelashes of his! Her eyes are still a blueish color. Sometimes they look very blue and sometimes they look more hazel.
New favorite toy(s): Her exersaucer and all of her rattle toys and teethers!
Likes: Going for walks outside and being outside in general, playing with her friends at daycare, Silas (he is suddenly the funniest thing she's ever seen), bathtime, and her Jenny Jump-Up.
Dislikes: Going to bed, getting out of the bath, and although it's getting MUCH better, she's still not a big fan of her carseat.
Any other new updates: She has been eating rice cereal here and there for a few weeks now. I was so hoping the rumors were true about cereal helping babies sleep through the night but I have to say it didn't do anything for us! Last week I started oatmeal with bananas and she really loves that. She's starting to eat really well from a spoon and not making such a big mess as she did when we first started off. Today she had pears for the first time. She was pretty distracted with her toys so only had a few spoonfulls and seemed to like it so we'll keep trying.

**I keep getting an error when trying to upload new pics so I'll be back tomorrow night to try again!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope everyone has a great week. :)

1 comment:

  1. She's growing up so quick!!! Love the idea of doing the questionaire! Love to all :-)
