Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mom guilt.

My mom warned me that becomming a new mom would also mean that I'd experience "mom guilt", and more then I'd hope for. And she's right. I feel like I'm constantly feeling guilty for something. Here's two in particular...

Let's start with that we are now officially done with breastfeeding. No more pumping and late-night feedings (the one thing I was holding on to). Lucy is now a formula-fed little girl and I have to say since the switch she is by far a new baby. She's always so happy and content, I love it. However, it doesn't help the fact that I'm feeling the mom guilt for 1. not giving her breastmilk anymore knowing that it's better for her and 2. that we no longer get to have that breastfeeding bond. (Can you tell by now I have a hard time letting things go!?)

On another note, tomorrow my baby girl starts her first day of daycare. I can't even begin to explain the mom guilt I'm feeling about this one. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Miss Sherri (her new daycare provider) and all of the kids there who I know Lucy will have a ball with, but I can't help but feel so sad and guilty that I can't be with her 24/7. I know that daycare isn't a terrible thing for kids and I'm actually pretty glad that she will get that social interaction she needs as well as all the learning activities she will get to do and the things she will learn (these kids were pretty impressive at their circle time the other day when we visited!), but I am absolutely terrified that she will somehow not even know I'm her mommy anymore. I know things are going to change and I no longer can just hand her over to Mark in the evening while I get dinner, laundry, etc. done. I'm going to have to figure out how to juggle that as well as spending the most quality time I can at night and on weekends with her. I know we'll eventually get it down though and it will all work out in the end. Just pray for me tomorrow.. I'm sure I'll be a sobby mess! :( I mean how could you not miss this pretty face every day?

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Mal...glad to know I'm not the only one obcessive about my little one. I think the first year is the worst with the Mommy guilt...somehow you want to keep them all to yourself and are totally scared if your not with them you'll miss one of their 'firsts'!!! Totally understand.
