Sunday, January 15, 2012

I'm not one to really set New Years resolutions every year but I did tell myself that I want to focus a lot on my blog this year. Well, here we are already 15 days in and I'm just now making my first post of the year. :-/ Now you see why I don't make resolutions, hehe. To be fair, I did go back to work full-time on the 3rd so it's been hard trying to find any extra time to do anything these days, much less blog. Lucy doesn't start at her daycare until the 30th so I've been lugging her to work with me and trying to work from home as much as I can. I don't know what I was thinking when I was pregnant. I thought it would be so easy to bring a 2-month-old with me to work all day while I productively get my work done. I mean, all they do at that age is just sleep, poop, and eat, right? Riiight... not my kid! As challenging as it's been, I surprisingly have been able to cope and make it work... some days better than others! I gotta say, I do love having her with me every day. However, tomorrow Mark is off work so it's the first day I get to go in the entire day without a baby. Now that I think about it, it will be the longest I've ever been away from her.

We've hit a major milestone this past week. Ok, it's probably not one I'll mark in the baby book but it was a huge milestone for us anyway. I have exclusively breastfed Lucy since she was born. I didn't necessarily plan it like that, it's just how my stubborn little girl seemed to want it. She absolutely refused to take a bottle, for weeks. Now I have no problem with her wanting breastmilk over formula (better for her, cheaper for us!) but I at least wish she would take it from a bottle! It was definitely hard on me since I was never able to get a break longer then say, 3 hours? So after talking to her pediatrician and getting advice from a lactation consultant, we decided last weekend was the weekend that she was going to take that bottle! We had to cut off breastfeeding cold turkey. Surprisingly, she only lasted a few hours and was hungry enough to take the bottle. Well, she didn't just "take" it, she sucked that baby down in a matter of a couple minutes. After that, she got better and better and in less than 24 hours, she was officially a bottle drinker. Yay! (Although I wasn't so happy about it then - I was a little sad feeling like she no longer "needed" me. Silly, I know!) But it's been sooo nice to get the extra help with her feedings. It's been weird having all of this freedom now!

Other than that.. we also have some more HUGE news to share, although I'm a little adament to post about it in fear that I'll jinx myself. But here it goes... we are pretty sure the colic is GONE! I'm not even exaggerating when I say it but I literally have a new baby these days. There are times I don't even recognize her. I never thought I'd ever see the day that we didn't have to give her at least ONE dose of gas drops or gripe water or have to spend our evenings walking and bouncing her around the house on her belly while she fussed and fussed. All of a sudden she is the sweetest little baby that is so content on playing on the floor on her floor mat, swinging her swing for at least an hour while she watches t.v., talking to her toys that hang from her bouncy seat, and even, get this, just sitting in our laps while she sucks on her wawee (pacifier). I am totally loving it and finally seeing what everyone was talking about when they said "this too shall pass".

Now you know I can't end this post until I show you some new pics of my girl. Here are 3 news pictures I actually took this morning. Can you believe she's 10 weeks already!?

1 comment:

  1. Having flashbacks reading this's amazing how alike our girls are. And..I felt the same way when Ashlyn stated taking a bottle..kinda sad, but happy at the same time.
