Saturday, January 5, 2013

14 months - Lucy update

14 months.. can you believe it? Time sure is ticking!

I haven't done a Lucy update in awhile so I figured it was probably time. I took some pictures of her today while she was playing so you can see how big my baby is now! It's so sad because I look at her and her baby look is fading so fast. She's starting to look (and act) more and more like a toddler these days.

Don't you think? She is getting way too big! She hasn't been to the doctors since her 1 year check-up so I'm not quite sure how much she weighs or how tall she is. If I had to guess her weight, I'd say she was around 23/24 lbs. Maybe not even that much since she is really starting to grow in height and is starting to thin out a lot. She has to go back at 15 months so I will know for sure then!

She just babbles away these days. She sure is a chatter box! And she's loud. I don't know why but she always feels the need to be the loudest in the room. She says lots of different words. Her favorites are still dada and momma but she says bird, doggy, ba-ba (for bottle), night-night, bye, hi, no, wee, mine, look, here.. just to name a few. Her biggest word is probably "touchdown". All she has to do is look at the t.v. and if she notices football is on she immediately will put her hands in the air and scream "touchdown". Wonder who taught her that? LOL

Her all-time favorite thing these days is watching Elmo. It's almost an obsession, really. I have to sometimes hide the iPad or distract her because she literally could watch Elmo She likes Sesame Street ok and she'll watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but they don't hold her attention very long. The minute she hears Elmo's voice though, it's on! She will sit for hours, literally. (Of course I don't allow that!) She's also really getting more into her baby dolls and stuffed animals. She loves pushing them around in their strollers and she has a play-pen and car seat for them too. She sure is a good little mommy!

Her favorite foods are pasta, bananas, apples, any type of meat (especially chicken and beef), and lately she's really been liking carrots. She's really not very picky though and will eat anything! She still is not a fan of juice and prefers water in her sippy cups. She's still on her bottle and it's one thing I don't see us being able to let go of any time soon! Although I will continue to try and limit them as much as possible.

As you can see, she's growing like a weed! This really is such a fun age and it's incredible how much she learns so fast. Mark and I love watching her say or do something new almost every single day. She's got her daddy's brains.. like he likes to say. ;)

Ok, I'm off to bed. We're heading to the Redskins game all day tomorrow so I need my rest. Wish them luck... GO SKINS!! :)


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