Saturday, November 3, 2012

The BIG day!

On this day exactly one year ago I was given the most precious gift I could ever ask for.. my beautiful daughter. It was so bitter sweet to celebrate today. I love watching her grow but sad it's happening so fast at the same time. No matter what, she will always be my baby girl and I will continue to love her unconditionally.

Here's a sweet video I made of video clips from her first year. I've only watched it a hundred times and have cried every single time! This mom thing sure can make a person overly emotional. :)

And with that, I wanted to write a sweet letter to my baby that hopefully she can read someday!

To my sweet Lulu Bug,

There's nothing I look forward to more than seeing your face every morning when I go to get you out of your crib, getting hugs and kisses from you without even asking, snuggling you when you're tired and just want "mama", rocking you to sleep at night and catching myself sitting there longer than needed just watching you sleep and thanking God every night for putting you in my life. You continue to bring so much joy to my life and have made me the happiest person in the world. 

This past year has been everything I hoped and more. Your smile and laugh warm my heart and is so contagious to everyone you're around. You sure know how to light up a room! I couldn't ask for a sweeter, funnier, more adorable, lovable, smarter, amazing daughter and I can only imagine the next several years will only get better.

I look forward to continue to watch you grow and guide you with all the love one could need. I'm so proud that I get to call you my daughter. Happy first birthday, baby. I love you with all my heart!


And with that said, I also want to thank everyone that made it to her birthday party today! It all turned out so beautiful and I couldn't be more blessed to have all of my loved ones in one room to celebrate Lucy's big day. I sure am one lucky girl!

I'm off to upload and go through a million pictures from the day and RELAX. I am absolutely beat. :) Xoxo


1 comment:

  1. Awww..Lucy will love reading that one day and is so blessed to have such wonderful parents!
