Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lucy gets her license... and BIG news!

Helllooo... it's been awfully quiet around here, I know. Sometimes I just have to put blogging to the back burner in order to get other things done. (a.k.a.. I've found a new author that I LOVE and can't seem to put her books down.. so, yea, that's what I've spent the little free-time, that I very rarely get to myself, doing!) 

So first things first. We have BIG news in the Lagana house. Lucy has been taking one or two steps here and there for a few weeks now but no where near "walking". Then last weekend she started getting a little more brave and started doing just a tad bit more. Then on Monday Sherri texted me that she had walked all the way from her playroom to the kitchen gate all by herself. That is at least 10 baby steps. My first reaction was NO WAY! It was one of those things I just had to see to believe. So later that night we were in the kitchen, me cooking and her sitting on the ground eating a snack beside me, and out of the corner of my eye I see a little 2 1/2 foot person walk all the way to the fridge to the sink. I couldn't believe it! Then out of nowhere I guess a little lightbulb popped in her head where she finally realized she could do it! Then she started walking everywhere non-stop. Granted, she doesn't go any more than 10 steps since she still walks like she's had one too many but she's doing it ya'll! And here's some pictures to prove it...

It was definitely one of my proudest moment of being a mom so far! I can't believe how big my little baby is getting! I was (fiiiinally) going through some of her newborn pictures to get printed and I couldn't get over how little she was. :( Sniff, sniff.

So another big announcement.. Lucy got her drivers license! Ha, so she thinks at least. Sherri has a bunch of toy cars in her backyard and everytime I pick Lucy up she's always playing with one and throws a complete temper tantrum when I try to take her out to go home. So we were in Target last night and I saw one and of course Lucy begged and begged to get one and I couldn't say no (haha, well maybe that's exaggerated) but I splurged and bought her one. Anything for my girl, right? So when we got home daddy put it together for her and she was in heaven. I am almost positive she dreamed about it all night long because she couldn't wait to play with it first thing this morning. She does make a cute little driver though, doesn't she?

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